Acceptable Use Policy
You agree as follows in respect of the acceptable and unacceptable uses of the Service (as defined in the Terms of Use). You will not and covenant not to:
- use or attempt to use the Service for any illegal, abusive or unethical activities as determined by Us in Our sole discretion, which include by example and not limitation, transmission of illegal pornographic material, invasion of privacy, defamation, infringement of another person's copyright, trade secret, patent, trademark or other intellectual property rights, hacking or cracking (gaining unauthorized use of a computer), distributing computer viruses or other malware, gambling, harassment of another or distribution of other harmful materials, code, programs or scripts.
- send unsolicited bulk mail messages ("junk mail" or "spam").
- breach any applicable data protection statute by, for example, sending or storing personal information (as defined in applicable data protection statutes) in an unencrypted form.
- impersonate another person, falsify the source of TCP/IP packets, spoof any portion of an email or TCP/IP header, or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or Us. All messages and packets transmitted via the Internet Service should correctly identify the sender and source; You may not alter the attribution of origin in electronic mail messages or posting.
- undermine or seek to undermine the security or integrity of computing systems or networks or gain unauthorized access or control over Our computers or any other person's computers.
- permit another person to use Your resources or the Service to conduct any of the matters You are prohibited from doing.
- knowingly take any action that would cause Us to violate any terms of an upstream service provider's acceptable use policy.
The above list of acceptable and unacceptable uses of the Service is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather illustrative of the range of unacceptable uses. We have the right in Our sole discretion to determine whether any particular conduct is an acceptable use of the Service. In cases where We determine You engaged in conduct that You reasonably believed did not violate this policy in good faith, We will attempt to provide You electronic notice of Our determination that such conduct is not an acceptable use, but in an emergency as determined by Us, We may immediately terminate such access and make attempts at post termination notice.